lunedì 23 dicembre 2013

Italian Mashed Potatoes, alias Puré

Buongiorno people!
Today I'm going to show you a perfect side dish to join the meat roll with eggs and ham, my last recipe!



To me, it's impossible to give you an idea of the doses of this recipe, because they depends on you. Anyway, you have to boil at least 4 or 5 potatoes to have enough "puré". Then, you have to mash the potatoes and place the mixture in a pan with butter (not so much, but, again, it depends on you, on your taste ect) and slowly add the milk keeping on turn the potatoes with a spoon, up to reach the right texture. At last, add the parmesan and season with salt, and the "puré" is ready!

                                                                                                                                         photo Firma_zps0bcccc0e.png

P.s. Click here to read the recipe in Italian

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