domenica 2 febbraio 2014

Chocolate Yogurt Cake

Good Sunday to all of you!

Do you remember my "yogurt cake" recipe? This is the chocolate version! As the other one, is very very easy, you have just to put the ingredients together! Very important: the unit of measurement of this recipe is the yogurt pot! So when I'll write 3/4 of oil, I'll mean 3/4 of a yogurt pot. Anyway, if you are not sure about something, just tell me!

1 yogurt
2 and half yogurt pot of flour
0,5 (half) pot of cocoa powder
1 and half of sugar
3/4 of oilseed
2 eggs
16 gr yeast (2 tbsp of the dry one)
Now you have to put all these ingredients together and mix them until the mixture will become creamy. Then, take a cake pan and you can choose whether or not to grease the pan or to use the baking paper. Then preheat the oven at 180° (celsius) and let cook for about 30 minutes. Check the cake in order not to burn it :)
Hope you like this recipe!
 photo Firma_zps0bcccc0e.png                                                                                                                                        

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