domenica 2 novembre 2014

Fish Curry with Potatoes

When it comes to fish, my mother and I don't have many ideas about the recipe to use. Moreover,my father and my brother don't like it very much. But this recipe made my brother happy, so now it's time to share it with you!

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Frozen Fish (as Cod)
Curry Powder
Boiled Potatoes

In this recipe it is difficult to say the amount of the ingredients, because it depends on how many people there are, on your taste... But I try to give you an idea! 
  • Slice the onion and stir fry with the olive oil and a little of curry powder.
  • When soften, add the frozen fish and let defrost.
  •  When it is cooked, add more curry powder, a fistful of flour and the milk, in order to make a gravy.
  • In the end, add the boiled potatoes to become tasty.
  •  Season with salt.

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